


Insegnamento e direzione

L’esperienza didattica di Gervasio, prima a Bari (dal 1967) con la cattedra di composizione presso il Conservatorio Niccolò Piccinni e…


The Sixties. Triptych for Violin

Gervasio’s inclination towards serial works, typical of his production during this period, characterizes three important pieces...

gervasio C15

The Sixties. The “Return to Pure Music”

1960 was a turning point in Gervasio’s life; after leaving his twenty-year commitment to INCOM, Gervasio decided to

scuola musica RC 003

Music School

This dossier enables you to listen to interviews with performers carried out by Gervasio as part of the Scuola di Musica...

campionato mondiale di calcio3

Music and Sport in INCOM Production

One of the lines developed by Sandro Pallavicini for INCOM (Industria Corti Metraggi in a wide range of documentaries produced from 1938 to...
